Hi - I'm Diana, a professional photographer based in Miami, FL.
Currently I do not practice photography because my career path has taken me in completely different direction, but thanks for checking out my work anyways.
I believe in the equal importance of artistic taste and technical skills.
While I prefer lighter colors and airy images -I do not find myself falling in any particular aesthetic genre.
I combine several techniques while shooting and feel comfortable working in all kinds of conditions:
both natural light and flash, both candid filming and posed images, both by myself and with a team.
Over 13 years of photography experience have taken me from Moscow (Russia) to Colorado,
Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Boston, New Mexico, Washington, Portland, Mexico, Italy, Hawaii, Egypt,
and lots of other amazing places where I had pleasure of working with incredible professionals.
It is my purpose to make you feel comfortable in front of the camera.

with Boris Grim
with Zveri Band
with BI2 Band
With Basta

with Ivanushki International

with Diana Arbenina

with Diskoteka Avaria
I did my first paid photoshoot in 2 month after buying my first DSLR camera. I got paid $7 and spent $5 on the bus ride
English is my second language. I learned it by reading books.
Among my hobbies are skydiving, bungee jumping and painting
At the age of I was 19 I was privileged to meet Peter Langone - one of the most successful commercial photographers in the US. When he saw me- he smiled and pinched my cheek. I didn't speak English back then. So just pinched his cheek back.
I have masters degree in Public relations
I got chased by an alligator during one of the shoots
Sometimes I teach latin dances
One of the craziest shoots I've done was the one with the floating bed in the ocean. It was hard because the bottom wasn't even and I almost dived a few times with my camera​