Nikkah in Denver. Muslim wedding
In March I was asked to photograph my first Nikah (Muslim wedding) in Mosque at Denver Muslim Society. For photographing this ceremony I had to wear hijab to honor the traditions. I was fascinated by the whole process and let me tell you - the ceremony at the Mosque simply changed my whole understanding of the marriage at the Islamic world.
The ceremony itself lasted just a few minutes. The agreement about the marriage is done between the groom and male representative of the bride. Tradition requires the bride to ask a groom for the price he has to pay her during the certain period of time and it can be as very expensive things so very inexpensive ones- bride's call.
During the ceremony itself everybody are sitting in the circle. I was a little worried about the rules on how I'm supposed to move around the Mosque and if I'm allowed to photograph every moment of the ceremony but Mullah was very kind and answered all my questions.
Basically he said: "You can walk anywhere you need and photograph anything you want. Since there are no other people and you don't interrupt other's prayers- help yourself".

The Mosque itself is a very light and airy space with the gorgeous dome that allows the light to cover everything inside. The bride in her shiny hijab looked like a princess from the Disney :)

There were only women guests from the bride's side therefore Mullah required her to call her dad so he could hear that he is allowing her to get married. The dad said yes :)

After the call they ceremony has began. It lasted just a few minutes but during these few minutes everybody were very concentrated and serious :)

When the ceremony was over- we took a few more pictures as the bride and the groom were exchanging the rings and then headed to the Red Rocks and Lookout Mountain for some more photos.

We were very lucky with the weather that day! The sun was shining bright and the snow was melting. It was a little chilly but the Bride and the Groom both handled the temperature very well :)

After the Red Rocks Amphitheater we headed to the lookout mountain to catch some last rays of the sunset. It came out perfect!

We ended this shoot at Downtown Denver with some beautiful lights from Larimer street. What a perfect day!

#denver #denverwedding #denvernikah #muslimwedding #denverweddingphotographer #dianalangephotography #Coloradoweddingphotographer #denvermosque #denvermuslimsociety #redrocks #weddingatredrocks #weddinginRedRocksAmphitheater #WeddingatLookoutMountain #Lookoutmountain #Coloradowedding #Islam #nikkahdenver #nikkahphotographerdenver